Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice, A New Season

Happy Summer Solstice!

My Mindful Montessori summer plan is going well so far. I have started my yoga routine. Yesterday was my first class in about two weeks. My body is sore! To keep myself going I have made the commitment to go two more times this week. Above is a video on how to do one of my favorite yoga poses...Sun Salutation in honor of the first day of summer.

Meditation has been the most difficult thing for me do. Finding a place where you can have no interruptions may be difficult. My favorite place is on my back deck surrounded by beautiful large trees.  Meditation is the first thing I have to do in the morning, even before I have my coffee.  I find myself wanting to keep my eyes closed but I have read to keep them open and looking downward. I have started with ten minutes and I hope to move to 15 minutes by the end of next week.

I continue to wait for a couple of my books that I have ordered. I am looking forward to future posts. What does all this have to do with Mindful Montessori?... the teacher must prepare herself.  Please leave comments. I would love to hear from you!